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Prospect Heights Youth Baseball and Softball


Code of Conduct - Incident Reporting Form (Click to open file)

To further improve our process for implementing, enforcing our Code of Conduct, we have created an Incident Reporting Form that any Manager or Coach may complete to report an incident to the Player Agent relating to inappropriate behavior by any Manager, Coach, Parent, umpire or spectators at any PHWYBS event.

We are asking that all parents discuss any issues with the Manager and let the Manager update the document and send the form to the Player Agent for follow up and review.

We encourage everyone to follow our Code of Conduct and avoid league involvement in conflict resolution, but we continue to have issues each year and we need to streamline the process.

The PHWYBS Board

Individual Reporting the incident:  _____________________________________________________

Email:  ___________________________________      Cell Phone:  _________________________

Circle one:             Manager                Coach     Umpire                   Parent                    Board member                     Other

Date:  __________ Time:  ____________       Location:  _____________________ 

Circle one:            Baseball or Softball

Home Team:  _____________                           Visitors:  ________________

Was the Home Team Manager present:  Y or N

Was the Visitor Team Manager present:  Y or N

Was the Umpire present:  Y or N

Were there any injuries or physical contact as a result of the incident:  Y or N

Describe the event:  Please list specifics of the event:  who participated, what was said or what actions occurred, who was present or observed the situation and how the matter was handled.  Please include the inappropriate language used if necessary to describe the event.













Prospect Heights Youth Baseball And Softball

Prospect Heights Youth Baseball And Softball, P.O. Box 7172
Prospect Heights, Illinois 60070
Email : [email protected]
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